Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Canadian Gargoyle

"I'm aboot to boot!" Posted by Hello
The Canadian is in effect the opposite of the Mexican gargoyle in terms of sequence. In this case your puke first then poop. Just as Canada pushes itself like H-E-double hockey stick to emulate its more awesome, better looking, smarter, and bigger southern neighbor, the Canadian Gargoyle happens when you push too hard when vomiting so that you end up with a dooty in your pants. We know Canada is cold but this is entirely the wrong way to heat things up.

Little Known Fact: Canadian Gargoyles were really invented by America but we decided that they were not big and powerful enough to be American so we gave them to our weaker little sister

Scouting Report
Difficulty: 4
Intensity: 4.5
Clean Up Time: 2 wash cycles and 1 dry (~1 hour and 15 minutes)
Number of Gargoyles on Northern Exposure: 0


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Hoser,

Canada is great, not just the younger kissing cousin of the USA, eh. I think a chinook would heat things up a lot more than your coockie choad, eh. I have half a mind to polish off a two-four, slog my puck, grab my oil cloths and then hop on down from Kay Beck to tag your hide

9:09 AM  

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