Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Arthur Fonzarelli

No caption necessary Posted by Hello


The never obsolete captain of cool continues to spread his influence on what is now his grandkids’ generation like polmade on a comb over. To execute this extremely hip gargoyle, face the wall like a dunce and mount the toilet like it’s a straight-backed chair at Arnold’s. Lift the lid off the tank as smoothly as the Fonz lifts girls’ V cards at the hop and spew into the top and bottom like a turbo charged soda fountain. To flush, swiftly punch the puke box like the Fonz at the juke box.

Inside Edition: Jeans brothers associate Donny Beats-a-lot stays up all hours of the night watching Crappy Daze reruns hoping to see the rumored lost episode where Chiachi does it with Joanie. The episode has yet to materialize but Donny Beats imagines what the gratuitous scenes might look like as he jumps his own shark in the shower.

Little Known Hollywood Fact: Henry Winkler used to tape his lines to the wall in back of the toilet and memorize them while sitting backwards on the John making his Henry Stinklers.

Scouting Report
Difficulty: Parallel to Richie Cunningham driving in his member at the drive-in
Intensity: As intense as the dude from your high school that still wears his leather sleeved varsity jacket
Clean up time: Approximately 13 minutes to get the barf out of the toilet top, 1 flush, and hours/days/months of explaining if you are ever caught performing this bass ackwards act.
Special thanks to Todd Van Allen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Blue and No,
Your site is a disgrace. The Fonz is a true national icon and you just literally soiled his image. Stop publishing retarded blogs and get a girlfriend or something.

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blue jeans, you are such a pervert!!!!!!!!

3:20 PM  

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